Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Ferry at Fauntleroy SOLD

 Another ferry painting, this time, the ferry as it is coming in to dock at Fauntleroy.  I like the backlit subject.  Usually an object that is backlit is seen in silhouette and is dark, but by keeping the values high the entire painting seems infused with light. This one will be at the Vashon Artist Studio Tour, stop #9,  at 14210 SW Reddings Beach Road, during the first TWO weekends in December.  6" x 12" oil on panel.


Cathleen Rehfeld said...

Hi Gretchen, Love everything about this Ferry painting!

Teddi Parker said...

I LOVE the blues in this one. Definitely drew me in. And the wonderful shapes! Well done.

Teddi Parker said...

Stunning! This one definitely drew me in. The shapes, the colors, well done.