Friday, December 1, 2017

Tahlequah Night Ferry

The ferry at night on the run to Point Defiance as seen from Jeff and Marla's house on the south end of Vashon.  I like the colors vibrating in the water.  This one will be at Vashon Island Art Studio Tour this weekend.  Stop #12 at Dockton Pottery 25913 99th Ave SW. 

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Lavender Ferry SOLD

A summer evening when the light is low and warm.  Solid hills become insubstantial and the ferry takes on a different color.  A view looking west toward Southworth.  This painting will be at  Dockton Pottery, stop #12 on the Vashon Island Artist Studio Tour the first two weekends in December.  See you there 25913 99th Ave SW, Vashon, WA.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Black Teapot and Three Oranges

It's the Vashon Art Studio Tour this weekend.  This painting will be at stop #12 on the tour at Dockton Pottery 25913 99th Ave SW, Vashon, WA. First Two weekends in December 10am to 4pm. 

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Pewter Pitcher and Persimmons

The pitcher is probably pewter or possibly tarnished silver plate.  I like the dark dull gleam of the surface with just a little bit of shine on the worn areas.  This one is in Bainbridge Arts and Crafts, Winslow Washington in December.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Cherry Tomato Lineup

Saturated orange makes a nice contrast to the dark green.   The greens and oranges are nearly complementary and make a dramatic but simple color scheme.  I frame the 6 x 6 painting by mounting the painting on an 8 x 8 gray backer board and then frame that in a narrow wooden frame.  I like being able to paint to the edge of the panel and this floater frame allows the whole painting to be visible.   This one will be at Bainbridge Arts and Crafts in December.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Southworth Ferry from Vashon Heights, Sunset

It's Art Studio Tour time again.  I'll be showing lots of paintings at Dockton Pottery the first two weekends in December.  Hope you can come.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Barred Chicken

I like the pose of this Plymouth Rock chicken.  The pattern on the plumage comes from bars of pigment (black) and bars of no pigment (white)  I wanted to suggest the pattern without painting too tightly.  This painting is about the exciting and dramatic color contrasts between the red comb and the green grass, and the exciting and dramatic value changes between the white and gray and black feathers. 

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Two Cherries and White Cup SOLD

This is a high key painting - most of the values are light with just a small amount of dark value in a few shadows and in the dark shiny color of the cherries.  The high key makes the painting feel like a dazzling sunny scene, though in this case it's a dazzling bright spotlight to the right of my still life setup.  I like the looseness of the highlight on the lip of the cup- it feels as if the atmosphere around the highlight is vibrating with the light.  This one is going to Bainbridge Arts and Crafts in December.  

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Three Zinnias SOLD

A bouquet of the last flowers of summer in a glass jar.  I lit them from the top and painted them in high key colors with just a little bit of strong darks to make the lights all the more interesting. I like the sense of volume and space around the flowers.  This one is going to Bainbridge Arts and Crafts in December.  

Monday, September 25, 2017

Three Rowboats SOLD

A group of three rowboats, tied together.  I probably left out the line that was securing the last boat to the dock.  Painted from photographs. 

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Sailboat, Two Sails

A brisk breeze and two sails to catch it.  Sailing around Vashon in the sunshine.  Painted from photographs.  On my ETSY store

Friday, September 15, 2017

Six Rowboats SOLD

I had fun playing with the colors in this piece.  Small rowboats are tied to the dock to enable folks to get back and forth to their boats moored offshore.  Painted from photographs.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Silver Pot and Three Sweet Cherries SOLD

Sweet cherries from Canada are still in the stores-so I get to eat some and paint some.  These three are admiring their reflections in the shiny metal pot.  I like the lighting in this painting.  Sometimes I spend almost as much time setting up the still life as painting it. The composition has to be interesting before I put paint on the canvas.  If I want the painting to look good, the set-up has to look good.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Three Sweet Cherries and Silver Creamer SOLD

I have another bag of tasty cherries in the fridge- I keep saving them, but usually forget to paint.  Such remorse when I finally throw them out, un-painted and un-eaten.    I like the silver creamer.  Shiny metal things demand close attention.  I aim to simplify but keep enough information that it still looks shiny.  

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Peonies and Pewter Pot SOLD

The last of the peony paintings for this year.   They are lush and fragrant and surprisingly durable;  hence the many paintings. I like the softness of the sheen on the pot and the warm shadows on the peonies.  On my ETSY store.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

White Pitcher and Red Cherries

It's cherry season and I'm having cherry fever.  I like this painting because of the pale blue plate.  It's a very delicate color to use against these dominant dark red cherries.  On my ETSY store

Friday, July 7, 2017

Painting at Edmonds Art Festival Show SOLD

Hurrah!  Red and Gray Winter Sunset Madronas won a first prize in painting at the Edmonds Art Festival Show.  This is a local art competition in conjunction with the yearly art fair.  It's an honor to have my painting chosen so I'll brag a bit. 

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Two Peonies on the Table

Another painting of peonies while the flowers last.  I like how very lush and full the petals are - layers and layers of pink petals all with the sweetest fragrance.  Painted from a still life I set up in my studio.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Two Peonies One Open

 A 6 x 8 original oil still life painting of two pink peonies lying on the tabletop. One is just opening, and one is completely open. The peonies are fragrant and lush, and remarkably sturdy. I like the way the light touches the flowers - I used a cardboard shield to control the shadows and throw the background into shadow. The shadows give a nice sense of volume.   On my ETSY store

Thursday, June 22, 2017

One Peony, One Bud, Silver Vase

One flower, one unopened bud and a silver vase to add some shine.  I kept everything in the shadow except for light falling on the pink peony and the tabletop.  The opened peony is very pale, but I had to deepen the shadows in order to make the highlights stand out.  I like the soft edges on the metal vase, and I like the light that just skims the open flower.  On my ETSY store.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Peony and Bud on the Table

I filled the table with leaves and shadows, but left the peonies in light. There's a silver pot in the background shadows.   On my ETSY store

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Pink Peony Bouquet, Spring has arrived!

Pink peonies remind me of childhood - we had a peony bush beside the garage that came back year after year. The fragrance of iris and lilacs and peonies would compete to announce the arrival of spring.  I like the lushness of the blossoms and their delicate color.  Even though they are soft, they are hardy and have lasted in my studio for a week!  On my ETSY store

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Red Onions Silver Bowl

I posted this one several years ago, but recently did a little work on it.  I added some darker values to the tabletop and reflection in the bowl and simplified some of the painting in the onions. I like the simplified colors.  The painting is stronger when I use fewer colors and rely more on value to create the drama in the painting.   This one is on my ETSY store.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Mock Orange on Brown

The mock orange has bloomed and I managed to pick a couple of bouquets and paint them in my studio.  The house was filled with the heavenly fragrance.  I like the simplification in the masses of flowers.  On my ETSY store

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Mock Orange on Blue

The flowers are pretty, but the smell is wonderful!  I only paint them so I can have that delicious scent in the studio for days.  I like the simplification of darks and lights in the flowers.  For such small flowers it's easiest to paint them as one mass with darks and lights in it.  Mostly do a lot of squinting.On my ETSY store

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Orange Slices and Green Plate SOLD

This small square dish is a lovely yellow green color with just enough room for three slices of orange.  I like the many greens, yellow green for the plate, minty cool green for the tabletop and shadow and deep green for the background.  All complemented by the oranges and the orange stripe.  I also like the perspective of the plate and its shadow. 

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Glass Jar Red Onion on Green

I like the lost and found edges in the glass jar.  The red onion is a nice contrast to the dominant green and the color is repeated in the red brown in the background and in the reflections on the glass.  This is a low key painting, the only whites are the highlights.  On my ETSY store

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Kiwis and Glass Jar on Green

Kiwis have such lovely color on the inside; intense chartreuse.   The outside of the kiwi is not exciting -brown and fuzzy but the skin is thin and light will go through - like the translucent skin of a grape.  I like the contrast of greens and the loose painting of the jar.   On my ETSY store

Friday, June 2, 2017

Blue Metal Teapot with Dandelions, Blue Pot and Yellow Flowers

You have to paint fast to paint dandelions because they do NOT last.  I sketched the teapot in pencil and painted first on the dandelions because they were wilting and closing and otherwise would not make it to then end of the painting.  Another painting of my favorite teapot in strong top light.  On my ETSY store

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Pt Robinson Lighthouse from the West

A painting of the Point Robinson Lighthouse on Maury Island Washington as seen from the west. There are actually two buildings in this view, one in front of the other. The building in the front is a small shed that was used to store the flammable fuel that powered the lighthouse beacon in the olden days. There is still a light at the lighthouse, but it is plastic, automated and mounted outside the lantern room. Next to the buildings in the painting, there is also a newer 100 foot tower for radar and gps signals. I moved that tower slightly until it was just out of the picture. It's OK, I have a license to do that.   ON my ETSY store

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Blue Metal Teapot on Blue with Chrysanthemums

I was thinking of painting daisies in this painting, but it was too early for daisies so I got chrysanthemums - you can tell because the centers are green, not gold.  The nice thing about the mums is that they last and last - and made it through at least two paintings.  On my ETSY store

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Mini Daffodils and Mums

The daffodils in my yard are mostly over except for these delightful miniature yellow daffodils.  They sprout in clusters from a single stem and are about as big around as a quarter.  I like the very limited pallette for this painting -yellow, white, gray, and just a tiny bit of green.  On my ETSY store

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Blue Metal Teapot with Two Chrysanthemums SOLD

The favorite blue enameled teapot makes another appearance, this time with two white chrysanthemums.  I like the scant amount of white in the white flowers - it contrasts nicely against the darks of the teapot.  The simplified color scheme is very harmonious.  I like the lost and found edges and the simplified painting in the flowers.  This will be at the Vashon Island Art Tour  this weekend May 13 & 14.  Stop # 23 in Dockton.  Be sure to visit! Last weekend!

Monday, May 8, 2017

Night Light Dockton SOLD

Night is falling and the light on the marina is shining out across the water.  I sold this small painting last weekend at the Vashon Island Art Studio Tour, but the tour continues this weekend and there are lots more paintings.  Showing at stop # 23 in Dockton, opposite the former Dockton store.  

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Towards the Lake SOLD

From a friend's photograph.  I like the compositional form of having a dark and shadowed foreground leading to a lighter background.  It has an emotional feel to it - "things are dark here, but it looks brighter ahead." I worked on losing edges and adding softness.  I also wanted to suggest a twilight with late sun perhaps behind the far hill.  This painting will be on the Vashon Art Studio Tour THIS WEEKEND!  My paintings are at Stop # 23 in Dockton. 

Monday, May 1, 2017

Two Boats Ashore SOLD

While on a trip along the Pacific Coast we happened on the boat yard at Port Orford.  I thought these two boats were beautiful, silhouetted against the bright blue sky.  Though both boats were white, in the shadow of bright sun they appeared quite dark and dramatic.
This painting will be in the Vashon Art Studio Tour,  May 6th and 7th and May 13th and 14th, Stop # 23 at Dockton Pottery, 25913 99th Ave SW, Vashon.  See you there.  

Friday, April 28, 2017

Plum Blossoms on Gold, Forced Spring Blossoms, Early Plum Blossoms in Glass Jar SOLD

Painted a month or  more ago, before any flowers were out.  We pruned the Japanese Plum tree and I brought in the trimmed branches and "forced" them.  I put the blossoms in a small jelly jar for this painting.  I really like the texture of the jelly jar- though it took me half an hour to make it look like I''d done it in a few seconds.   This one will be in the Vashon Art Studio Tour the first two weekends of May.  I'll be showing paintings at Stop # 23 in Dockton, Dockton Pottery, 25913 99th Avenue SW on Vashon Island.  See you there. 

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Three Yellow Daffodils, Spring Bouquet

It's been such an unusual spring-it was very cold and then the sun shone and everything happened at once.  The early spring flowers and late spring flowers have all opened.   I've been working hard to keep up.  This one will be at the Vashon Art Studio Tour the first two weekends in May, the 6th,  7th, 13th, and 14th.  I'll be at stop # 23 in Dockton, 25913  99th Avenue SW- opposite the former Dockton store. 

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Dark Hills and Southworth Ferry SOLD

This one will be in the Vashon Art Studio Tour the first two weekends of May, May 6 & 7 and May 13 &14.  I'll be showing paintings at Stop # 23 at Dockton Pottery.  Here's a map.  See you there!
Late afternoon sun throws a shadow across the hills at Southworth.  A spot of sunshine lights up the end of the ferry and makes the view more dramatic.  A view of the Vashon-Fauntleroy-Southworth ferry as seen from the water of Puget Sound. 

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Spring Daffodils on Turquoise SOLD

These little daffodils have multiple flowers on a single stem and bright orange centers to add a cheery note.  They are among the earliest of the daffodils growing in my garden and a perfect size to fit in these small glass vases.  This painting will be at the Vashon Island Art Studio Tour during the first two weekends in May.  Look for this and other paintings at stop # 23, Dockton Pottery,  in Dockton, WA.  And here's a map to help you find the stop 

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Red Camellia on the Table, Camellia Bouquet Against Gray, Red Flowers and Round Glass Vase SOLD

ETSY store.
One of the flowers in the Red Camellia bouquet fell off so I left it on the table and added it to the painting.  Spring has finally arrived and everything is in bloom at once.  Flowers that have been hanging on for weeks are suddenly spent and wilted.  The camellias have been resisting the wet cold weather but the sunshine has done them in.  I like the waxy stiff leaves and the simple color scheme - red, green, and gold against gray. On my ETSY store

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Silver Pot and Oranges in Backlight, Shiny Reflections and metal Pitcher SOLD

Another shiny silver pot.   I used a shield to create an interesting shadow with a small spotlight of light that creates sparkle on the pot and tabletop.   I like the glowing background.   This painting will be in the Vashon Art Studio Tour the first two weekends in May.  Link to map of Vashon Spring Art Tour  I will be showing my paintings at Stop # 23 in Dockton.  See you there!  In the meantime, this painting is at my ETSY store

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Blue Metal Teapot and White Daffodils SOLD

Come to the Art Studio Tour - put it on your calendar - first two weekends in May.  I'm showing paintings in Dockton at stop #23.  Here's a map.  Oh and in the meantime, this one's also on my ETSY store

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Deer Against the Light, Deer in my Yard,

Vashon Island Art Studio Tour,  first two weekends in May.  I'll be showing paintings at Stop # 23 in Dockton.    When we first moved to the island and saw the deer, I said "Oooh, quiet, don't spook, them, how cool!" Now when I go out in the yard they just ignore me.   They eat everything, there are NO deer-proof plants.  Still,  they do make an interesting painting subject.  8" x 10" oil on panel

Monday, April 17, 2017

Three Little Daffodils on Black SOLD

The daffodils are blooming late this year and holding on during the cool spring, waiting for the bees to emerge. I wanted these flowers to look like they were glowing from within.  I put a strong light on one side and threw a shadow over the background to increase the contrast.  This one will be in the Vashon Art Studio Tour the first two weekends of May. I will be showing at stop # 23 in Dockton.  Map of Art Studio Tour

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Thre Red Camellia in a Round Glass Vase SOLD

It's spring, the camellias are blooming - time to paint!  How to make a light-struck area without painting pasty pink?  I used a medium that allowed me to thin my reds and apply the oil almost like watercolor-very dilute with the white of the canvas showing through.   I like the shape of the vase and the repeat in the circular arrangement of the flowers.  Since this one just sold, look for more of my work at the Vashon Art Studio Tour the first two weekends in May.  Link to map of Vashon Art Studio Tour.